Step by step Digital painting Tutorial


If you're ready, let's start !

 Step 1 

1. Start off with a sketch. What I have up here is
a cleaned up sketch. The initial sketch (which I
don’t have anymore cause I just deleted that
layer since I didn’t think I’d need it) looked
something like this on right --------->

(The point of the initial sketch wasn’t for it to
look pretty, but to get the concept across.)

 Step 2 

2. Next, put the base (or the
basic) colour down. I like to
start with a basic bg colour. I
use a different layer for each
element - One for hair, for
skin, for the cat, etc. That
makes it easier for the next
step. Then I locked the opacity on those
layers so that it’s easier for the first
step ofshading.

 Step 3 

3. I use the marker tool in Painttol SAI to shade (but airbrush at a low opacity will
work too, but I like the marker tool because it works kind of like a traditional paint
brush and brings the colours that are already there along with the colours you are
using). I like to eyedrop the background colours
and, using the marker tool, softly brush it onto
the characters; similarly, I take the character colours and blend it into the background, like the way you see spots of red in my
blue background.

 Step 4 

4. I do as much shading as I think I could do while the lines are sketchy, keeping in mind
where the light source is and experimenting with colours. I sometimes even just
randomly choose and colour and randomly put it down lightly with the marker tool.

I chose a grey-redish colour for the shaded part of her skin, sometimes I would eyedrop
the background and bring it into her skin. I also like to put a little bit of bright blue onto
the highlights of her skin. A person’s cheek and nose are usually a more reddish hue
while their chin is grayer and the forhead is more on the yellow side.

 Step 5 

5. l duplicate the sketch
layer, set one of the
layers on overlay and
set the other layer on
multiply, and then I
merge the layers of the
characters with their
sketchy lines. (along
with the layers in
between like hair and
skin, etc).

Step 6 

6. Here’s when I do most of the rendering, smoothing things out and working most of
the stuff on one layer (other than the background) For this one, I really wanted to make
it as realistic as I could, even though her eyes were kind of anime-looking; i wanted to
portray more of a doll—like look to her. I cut the fish out and made another layer for
them, and then I warped the fish so it looked like it was bending with the bowl.

At this stage, because the lineart is merged together with the charcters alread, I can
begin working the lineart into the shading with a combination of water tool and marker
tool. I use a textured brush and brush it in the same direction as the way the scales
would form around the mermaid or the direction the cat’s hair would go. You always
have to keep in mind ofthe form of the subject you are drawing. I also decided the
background I had lacked depth so I changed it.

Step 7 

7. I keep rendering, zoomed in important places like the scales and the fins, or the cat
hair, which I actually did strands of in places, and the detailed part of the scales, or the
strands on the fins. I did leave parts of it more rough so that it’s more focused on the
detailed parts, like with the fish and the back of the hair in the third picture.

 Step 8


Step by step Digital painting Tutorial Step by step Digital painting Tutorial Reviewed by painting on March 10, 2021 Rating: 5

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