Cloud Brush Painting Step by Step Tutorial (+FREE BRUSHES)

If you're ready, let's start !

 Step 1 

You can steal the brush I made (link in bottom)
just using the Dry, Heavy Load preset.
Mind the flow.

 Step 2 
set up your mixer brush

 Step 3 
paint a special boy

 Step 4 
rough him up(optional)

 Step 5 
we will sample near top (press Alt to sample)

Step 6 
slap some things down. Start at back, work toward front, big to small. Vary pressure go back
with Smudge and rough it up a bit sample bottom-ish?

Step 7 
paint in bottom-ish

 Step 8 
sample more sides and paint as needed
do some actual painting brush strokes, larga soft round

 Step 9
smudge with scatter brush in places
please practice, this won't be a magical solution it is not a perfect method for all clouds your brush
strokes are impactful on this paintover will still be needed use reference


Cloud Brush Painting Step by Step Tutorial (+FREE BRUSHES) Cloud Brush Painting Step by Step Tutorial (+FREE BRUSHES) Reviewed by painting on March 31, 2020 Rating: 5

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