How to paint a gold [tutorial]

If you're ready, let's start !

 Step 1 
1. Base colours -
Dark and red toned
(Can change tone depending
on gold type but this is for...this type of gold!)

 Step 2 
2. Paint over some areas with light brown colour depending on lighting. Add more shadows

 Step 3 
3. Overlay with a warm brown tone in some areas. Add more dimension with reds as well

 Step 4 
4.  Luminosity time! Add pale yellow/red over the light part of the gold

 Step 5 
5. Brighten up gold by painting
it over with luminosity
(pick dark tone) so it’s not too bright

Step 6 
6. Adjustments & details
to suit your taste

Step 7 

Can change shape/play with the style of gold using same method! Hope this helped :D
Stay golden-

How to paint a gold [tutorial] How to paint a gold [tutorial] Reviewed by painting on February 25, 2020 Rating: 5

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